Langsung ke konten utama

Name of School         : High School
Subjects                      : English
Skill                            : Listening
Class / semester          : X / 2
The allocation of time : 2 x 45 minutes

Understanding the meaning of the spoken text (orally) or written (written) are functionally and report (the report) to interact in the context of everyday life.
Respond to the meaning contained in the oral short functional text simple, smooth, precise and accurate and capable of creating feedback in the context of everyday life in the form of advertisement report.
1.      Identify the meaning of the tape (recording).
2.      Identifying information contained in the recording.
3.      Identify the purpose of recording.
4.      Responding vocabulary-related vocabulary with a recording.
5.      Respond and to know the whole meaning contained in the recording.

At the end of the lesson students are expected to be able to:
a.       Identify the meaning of the text recording
b.      Identifying information contained in the text recording.
c.       Identify the purpose of recording the text.
d.      Responding vocabulary-related vocabulary recording.
a.       Demonstration
b.      Asking and answer
c.       Tape (recording)
Important vocabulary related to the recording:
a.       city ​​(cidy)                               c. Better (bedder)
b.      water (wader)                         d. Computer (compuder)
Important sentences contained in the recording:
a.       Do you want to get in or get out?
b.      I got up at eleven o'clock
Answer the Following questions based on the recording!
1.      Who is LISA MOJSIN?
2.      What did LISA MOJSIN Tells about?
3.      How to say "water, better, city, computer, etc" base on the recording?
4.      What kind of the lesson That you found in the recording?
5.      How did Lisa pronounced "I got up at eleven o'clock"?
Technique / Method:
a.       Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL)
b.      Audio lingual
c.       speech
Steps of Activity:
A.    Pre-Activities
1.      Teachers prepare students psychologically and physically to follow the learning process.
Ø  Greet the students.
Ø   Check the list of class attendance.
2.       Teachers review the material before
3.       The teacher explains the learning objectives and basic competencies to be achieved.
4.       Teachers deliver the material scope of activities according to the description and explanation of the syllabus.
5.       Teachers play a vocabulary related to the recording.
6.       The teacher shows an example of a recording / images
7.       Teachers play a recording related to the image.

B.     While activities
·         Explorations
a.       Students listen to recording text
b.      Students answer questions based on the text that is played.
c.       Students were told to make their answers on the board.
·         Elaboration
a. Students with teacher-led together to discuss their answers.
b. Students and teachers discuss the purpose of recording
c. Students and teachers discuss the core of the recording.
·         Confirm
a.       The teacher asks the students to do the work in the student worksheet (LKS)
b.      Teachers mentioning again about the purpose of recording
c.       Students get feedback from the teacher.
d.      The teacher gives students an appreciation of the achievement.
C.    Post activities
a.       The teacher guides the students create a summary of lessons based on their own understanding.
b.      The teacher gives an assessment of student achievement.
c.       Teachers provide constructive comments for student progress.
d.      The teacher asks the students in learning difficulties.
e.      The teacher gives homework (homework)
Source / Materials / Tools
1.      Recording
2.      Teacher's creativity

Listening Assessment
a.       Form: Oral Questions
b.      Assessment Criteria:
1.      Listening for specific information
2.      Obtaining a general idea of ​​what is being said
3.      Recognition of function of structure
4.      Comprehension

Knowing                                                                     Lhoksukon, 16 April 2012
(Nuraini, S.Pd.I, M.Tesol)                                                                 (Muktar)

Base on video
Hi ,at lisa mojsin again !!!
Today I’m going to teach you avaluable tips that it is going to makes you sound more American.It has to do with the pronunciation of the letter T
I’m goung to say one word two different way and I want you to ask your self which one sound more American?
City – cidy
Better – bedder
Water - wader
Computer – compuder

The second one ofcourse, so as you can see the “t” is not rely a T, it’s sound more like a “D”.In third in situation. Let me explain!
For example : the word  W A T E R ( the T is between two vowels)
When the T is between two vowels, it’s changed and becomes what we call an almost “D” or a fast D.
Let me demonstrate!
When we say better, we don’t say bet ter. It’s not a real strong the T, it’s real quick a T
Let’s try a few words
We don’t say AUTO, we say AUDO, audomobile
We don’t say AUTOMATIC, we say audo, audomadic, audograf.So the “t” is between two vowels and it changed into a “d”.
Let’s try a few more words!
City (cidy)
Ability (abilidy)
Computer (compuder)
Okay, these also happen when the T is in the end of the word and another word followes and the first letter that word is a vowel.Let me show you!
IT IS, we don’t say “yes it-is”, we say “yes it is. So one vowel, T and another vowel we link it therefor the T between two vowels
Repeat after me!
Yes it is(must be link it)
We don’t say “at eleven”, we say “ ateleven”
We don’t say “what a”, we say “ whata”

What a nice day!
What a good idea!
Okay, all right!
Now, I’m gonna say a few sentences I want you to repeat after me!
“Do you want to get in or get out”
“I bought it at a computer store”
“I got up at eleven o’clock”

By the way  this is not consider slopy or late to. . . . (be continue).


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